Advisory Board

Sanna Kaisa Spoof
Chair of the ENRIO European Network of Research Integrity Offices
Sanna Kaisa SPOOF has been the Secretary General for the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK since 2010. Her previous working experience includes positions as Faculty Head of Research Administration (Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki), Head of Department of Continuing Education (Sibelius Academy), Secretary General (Lahti University Consortium) and Research Associate (University of Helsinki, Department of Cultural Studies). She has been both a project manager and a member or chair of steering groups in various EU-funded education end regional projects. She received her PhD in European Ethnology in University of Helsinki in 1998.

Krista Varantola
Vice President of the ALLEA Permanent Working Group on Science and Ethics
Krista VARANTOLA is member of the Council of Finnish Academies and of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. She is Professor and Rector Emerita of the University of Tampere in Finland. Her academic field is English linguistics. She is currently Chair of the University Board of the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. Varantola has a long-standing interest in research integrity. She chairs the National Board on Research Integrity in Finland and is member of the ALLEA Permanent Working Group on Science & Ethics. She was one of the drafting group members of the 2017 revised edition of The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. She also acts in an advisory role for research integrity in a number EU funded research projects. Since 2016 she is part of the ALLEA Board and was reelected in 2018.

Margaret Gold
Project Officer at the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)
Margaret GOLD is Project Officer at the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), a non-profit association set up to encourage the growth of Citizen Science in Europe, initiate and support citizen science projects, and perform research on ‘the science of citizen science’. Margaret represents ECSA in the WeObserve project, which is consolidating knowledge about citizen observatories for environmental monitoring, the LandSense project, which is a citizen observatory and innovation marketplace for land use and land cover monitoring, and the EU-Citizen.Science project, which is building a platform for sharing citizen science projects, resources, and training in support of the European community of practitioners (both experienced and new, formal and DIY). Margaret is also a Guest Researcher at the University of Leiden Citizen Science Lab. Before specialising in citizen science, Margaret worked in the mobile & web technology sector as Director and Co-Founder of the Mobile Collective, Innovation Consultant and start-up Advisor.

Angela Wroblewski
Institute for Advanced Studies
Angela WROBLEWSKI is senior researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna. She is a trained sociologist and has been concerned with evaluation of equality programs and policies in schools, universities and the non-university research sector for more than 15 years. Her current research focuses on the development of indicators to measure gender equality. This includes a critical reflection on the validity of available data and indicators as well as the conceptualisation of new indicators. She is also interested in the steering function of indicators and monitoring systems in the context of equality and diversity policies.
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