
PRO-Ethics is divided into 8 Work Packages (WPs) and 3 phases, implemented over the course of 4 years:

Workpackage Flow

In Phase 1 of the project, a basis is built both by desk research into existing Theory and a Mapping of the participating RFOs (both WP1), as well as “First Experiments” within the Pilot I cases (WP2). These feed into the development of the “Draft Ethics Framework”, which is the core output of WP1.

In Phase 2 of the project, the “Testing in Real Life Pilots” of WP2, the “Cross Pilot Learning” of WP3, and the “Stakeholder Dialogue” of WP4 are all synthesized to create PRO-Ethics core output, the “Ethics Framework” of WP5.

Finally, in Phase 3 of the project, the Ethics Framework is examined from a perspective of sustainability and embedded into the diverse national funding ecosystems of the participating partners.

Throughout this process, project results will be communicated and disseminated as part of WP6. WP7 entails the task of Project Management, while the Ethics Requirements of the European Commission are covered in the context of WP8.

Objectives »

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