Ethics Framework and Guidelines:
Table of Contents
Ethics Framework and Guidelines »List of Abbreviations »Preamble »Introduction »
Part I: General Consideration »On ethics »General considerations on ethics »Ethical assessment procedures and the ethics review »On participation »General considerations on participatory practices »Experiences with the ethics framework »
Part II: Tools & Guidelines »A. How should participatory processes be structured? »B. Which type of activity is targeted by the participatory process? »C. Which types of participants are targeted? »D. What are ethical issues and risks? »E. How can equal and meaningful dialogue be fostered? »F. How should participatory processes be monitored & reflected upon? »
Glossary »EC Reference Documents »Endnotes »
Ethics Framework and Guidelines:
A guide for research funding organizations implementing participatory activities
Authors: Wiarda, Martijn (TU Delft), Giannelos, Kalli (Sciences Po), Schuerz, Stefanie (ZSI), Reber, Bernard (Sciences Po), Doorn, Neelke (TU Delft)
Linguistic version:
Original: EN
Manuscript completed in June 2023.
Author credits:
Wiarda, Martijn (TU Delft): Final version: Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review and Editing, Conceptualization, Investigation
Giannelos, Kalli (Sciences Po): First draft: Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review and Editing, Conceptualization, Investigation
Schuerz, Stefanie (ZSI): Final version: Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review and Editing, Investigation, Project Administration, Language Editing
Reber, Bernard (Sciences Po): First draft: Supervision, Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Conceptualization
Doorn, Neelke (TU Delft): Final version: Supervision. First and final version: Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review and Editing, Conceptualization
Reviewers (in alphabetical order):
Diependaele, Lisa (EC RTD), Glennie, Alex (Nesta), Gold, Margaret (University of Leiden), Kritikos, Mihalis (EC RTD), Mayer, Katja (ZSI, University of Vienna), Montanari, Cléa (University of Paris), Spoof, Sanna-Kaisa (Finnish National Board on Research Integrity, ENRIO), Schuch, Klaus (ZSI), Varantola, Krista (Finnish Academies, ALLEA), Wroblewski, Angela (IHS), Zolho, Nyangala (Nesta)
Contributors (in alphabetical order):
Alves, Elsa (DBT), Barajas, Ascensión (CDTI), Cimmperman, Reda (RCL), Delaiti, Davide (EUREKA), Gerold, Markus (VDI/VDE-IT), Geyer, Gerda (FFG), Grohmann, Steph (LBG OIS Center), Haugan, Siv (RCN), Johansen, Kristin Eikeland (RCN), Mayer, Sabine (FFG), Nauni, Anila (RCN), Østrem, Erna Wenche (RCN), Owesen, Ingeborg (RCN), Rekve, Kristoffer (DBT), Rødland, Anne Winsnes (RCN), Roman, Alexandra (UEFISCDI), Stubbe, Julian (VDI/VDE-IT), Studený, Luboš (TA CR), Sturn, Dorothea (ZSI), Verstraete, Cédric (Innoviris), Vitic, Jelena (EUREKA)
Copyediting and design: Sciad Communications
Disclaimer and copyright:
This recommendation paper was developed and written in the context of the H2020 project PRO-Ethics [grant number 872441] from 2020-2023. The framework reflects the theoretical and empirical data and experiences collected in this time, as analyzed and synthesized by the authors of this document with support from the project consortium. The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an official position of the European Commission.
The content of this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Cite as:
Wiarda, M., Giannelos, K., Schuerz, S., Reber, B., Doorn, N. (2023) Ethics Framework and Guidelines: A guide for research funding organizations implementing participatory activities. DOI:
PRO-Ethics has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 872441.